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Pest control Malta Comtec Mosquito

The Aqualab is a safe, economical and ecological useful to stop the life cycle of the mosquitoes in your garden. The goal is to create an ideal environment for the deposition of eggs from which adults do not will stand out ever the flight.


It is a method of struggle is absolutely harmless to the environment , capable of interrupting the lifecycle of mosquitoes in your garden. Has a reduced cost, requires little maintenance , and acting on the larvae of the mosquito fights the problem at its root.


How to use:

  1. Fill bucket with water
  2. Add larvicide (included)


  • Mosquitoes love standing water so better never change the water.
  • It is sufficient to introduce a tablet of treatment every month to maximize the attraction effect.
  • For the best results, the trap can be positioned about 50 to 70 meters of distance one from the other in a shaded area.


Four traps are sufficient to protect areas from 2500 to 4000 square meters.


The rod of wood contained in the packaging (masonite) must be placed inside the funnel, which is immersed in the water with the rough surface upwards.

The reduction of mosquitoes is visible after a period of 4-6 weeks, i.e. the time necessary for the interruption of the life cycle of mosquitoes.


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Aqualab Mosquito Trap

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